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9 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
20218623 68 Emerging targets in osteoporosis disease modification.EBI Amgen
18707091 14 Effect of cathepsin K inhibitors on bone resorption.EBI Novartis Institutes For Biomedical Research
16290936 69 Semicarbazone-based inhibitors of cathepsin K, are they prodrugs for aldehyde inhibitors?EBI Glaxosmithkline
15896958 32 Acyclic cyanamide-based inhibitors of cathepsin K.EBI Glaxosmithkline
14741275 27 Design of small molecule ketoamide-based inhibitors of cathepsin K.EBI Glaxosmithkline
14736240 57 Design of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable inhibitors of cysteine protease cathepsin k.EBI Glaxosmithkline
11311061 40 Azepanone-based inhibitors of human and rat cathepsin K.EBI Glaxosmithkline
1397049 24 NNC-112, NNC-687 and NNC-756, new selective and highly potent dopamine D1 receptor antagonists.BDB Novo Nordisk