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8 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
24973029 57 Synthesis and evaluation of iminocoumaryl and coumaryl derivatized glycosides as galectin antagonists.EBI Lund University
23281927 18 Tuning the preference of thiodigalactoside- and lactosamine-based ligands to galectin-3 over galectin-1.EBI Utrecht University
22575017 1 Antitumor agent calixarene 0118 targets human galectin-1 as an allosteric inhibitor of carbohydrate binding.EBI University Of Minnesota Health Sciences Center
19053747 63 Galectin-inhibitory thiodigalactoside ester derivatives have antimigratory effects in cultured lung and prostate cancer cells.EBI Lund University
18674915 77 Synthesis of stable and selective inhibitors of human galectins-1 and -3.EBI Universit£
18539029 25 Protein subtype-targeting through ligand epimerization: talose-selectivity of galectin-4 and galectin-8.EBI Lund University