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9 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
25921264 21 Perspective: Tyrosine phosphatases as novel targets for antiplatelet therapy.EBI Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
23305444 171 Discovery and evaluation of novel inhibitors of mycobacterium protein tyrosine phosphatase B from the 6-Hydroxy-benzofuran-5-carboxylic acid scaffold.EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine
21669525 18 Small molecule inhibitors of SHP2 tyrosine phosphatase discovered by virtual screening.EBI Indiana University
21443195 9 Utilization of nitrophenylphosphates and oxime-based ligation for the development of nanomolar affinity inhibitors of the Yersinia pestis outer protein H (YopH) phosphatase.EBI National Cancer Institute-Frederick
17303416 23 Quinoxalinylurea derivatives as a novel class of JSP-1 inhibitors.EBI Chinese Academy Of Sciences
15961311 49 Rhodanine derivatives as inhibitors of JSP-1.EBI Ceptyr
25352216 105 A Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Prenyl Synthases: Conformational Flexibility and Implications for Computer-aided Drug Discovery.BDB University Of California San Diego