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3 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
12672253 60 Novel nonimidazole histamine H3 receptor antagonists: 1-(4-(phenoxymethyl)benzyl)piperidines and related compounds.EBI Freie Universit£T Berlin
11052804 41 Novel histamine H(3)-receptor antagonists with carbonyl-substituted 4-(3-(phenoxy)propyl)-1H-imidazole structures like ciproxifan and related compounds.EBI Freie Universit£T Berlin
11855993 91 Development of a new class of nonimidazole histamine H(3) receptor ligands with combined inhibitory histamine N-methyltransferase activity.EBI Freie UniversitäT Berlin