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8 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
26191366 66 Exploring the Existing Drug Space for Novel pTyr Mimetic and SHP2 Inhibitors.EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine
25907364 29 A potent and selective inhibitor for the UBLCP1 proteasome phosphatase.EBI Indiana University
25003231 59 Therapeutic potential of targeting the oncogenic SHP2 phosphatase.EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine
23305444 171 Discovery and evaluation of novel inhibitors of mycobacterium protein tyrosine phosphatase B from the 6-Hydroxy-benzofuran-5-carboxylic acid scaffold.EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine
21116447 65 Identification and characterization of novel inhibitors of mPTPB, an essential virulent phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine
20170098 21 Salicylic acid based small molecule inhibitor for the oncogenic Src homology-2 domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP2).EBI Indiana University School Of Medicine