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5 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
11408557 10 Characterization of the efflux transport of 17beta-estradiol-D-17beta-glucuronide from the brain across the blood-brain barrier.EBI The University Of Tokyo
11792694 2 Effect of 17 beta-estradiol-D-17 beta-glucuronide on the rat organic anion transporting polypeptide 2-mediated transport differs depending on substrates.EBI The University Of Tokyo
11818398 1 Localization of organic anion transport protein 2 in the apical region of rat retinal pigment epithelium.EBI University Hospital
11561088 2 Multispecific substrate recognition of kidney-specific organic anion transporters OAT-K1 and OAT-K2.EBI Kyoto University Hospital
11883641 8 Comparative inhibitory effects of different compounds on rat oatpl (slc21a1)- and Oatp2 (Slc21a5)-mediated transport.EBI Kitasato University