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Protein Targets in BindingDB are mapped to TrEMBL entries based on 100% sequence identity, with the program BLAST. Note that the BindingDB and TrEMBL sequences do not need to be exactly the same length to meet this criterion. TrEMBL's Secondary Accession IDs are obsolete IDs for the same protein, and are included here because older papers may use these IDs.

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDTrEMBL submittedNameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
H0VDS0Glutamate metabotropic receptor 5Glutamate metabotropic receptor 5160000001
H0VZC5Gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptorGastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor190000003
H9B8T9Cathepsin BCathepsin B975000005
H9CNL0Ryanodien receptorRyanodien receptor011000001
H9EUW9Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 100030002
H9FL65Kappa-type opioid receptorKappa-type opioid receptor50000001
H9YX08C-C chemokine receptor type 6C-C chemokine receptor type 606000001
H9ZGD9Prunasin hydrolasePrunasin hydrolase70000001
H9ZGE1Prunasin hydrolasePrunasin hydrolase012000001