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Protein Targets in BindingDB are mapped to TrEMBL entries based on 100% sequence identity, with the program BLAST. Note that the BindingDB and TrEMBL sequences do not need to be exactly the same length to meet this criterion. TrEMBL's Secondary Accession IDs are obsolete IDs for the same protein, and are included here because older papers may use these IDs.

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDTrEMBL submittedNameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
P18871Alpha-2A adrenergic receptorAlpha-2A adrenergic receptor280000004
P72355Penicillin-binding protein 4Penicillin-binding protein 409000003
P79248Type 1 InsP3 receptor isoform S2Type 1 InsP3 receptor isoform S206000002
P84147Phospholipase DPhospholipase D023000001
P872041,3-beta-glucan synthase1,3-beta-glucan synthase03000001
P88142Pol polyproteinPol polyprotein013000001
P90584MO15-related protein kinase PfmrkMO15-related protein kinase Pfmrk0144000008
P90627Cathepsin B-like proteaseCathepsin B-like protease10000001
P96830TYR_PHOSPHATASE_2 domain-containing proteinF2GLV1 Q7DAD4TYR_PHOSPHATASE_2 domain-containing protein283695000022
P96878Carbonic anhydraseF2GKU6 I6XGR9 Q7D5S6Carbonic anhydrase1070000007
P96884Biotin--[biotin carboxyl-carrier protein] ligaseF2GKV2 Q7D5S4Biotin--[biotin carboxyl-carrier protein] ligase001700002