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Your request to link to MMDB for CNR1

MMDB Description
31022Crystal Structure of the Exportin Cse1p Complexed With ITS Cargo (Kap60p) and Rangtp
33496Kap95p:rangtp Complex
80071Crystal Structure of Importin13 - Rangtp Complex
76301Karyopherin Nuclear State
82493Crystal Structure of Yeast Crm1 (Xpo1p) in Complex With Yeas (Yrb1p) and Yeast Rangtp (Gsp1pgtp)
85787Crystal Structure of the PKI Nes-crm1-rangtp Nuclear Export Complex
85788Crystal Structure of the Hiv-1 REV Nes-crm1-rangtp Nuclear Export Complex (Crystal I)
85789Crystal Structure of the Hiv-1 REV Nes-crm1-rangtp Nuclear Export Complex (Crystal II)
85790Crystal Structure of the Crm1-rangtp Complex