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4 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
14695821 8 Design, synthesis, molecular modeling studies, and calpain inhibitory activity of novel alpha-ketoamides incorporating polar residues at the P1'-position.EBI University of Tennessee Health Science Center
12617890 9 Peptidyl aldehyde inhibitors of calpain incorporating P2-proline mimetics.EBI University of Tennessee Health Science Center
11425553 9 Significance of hydrogen bonding at the S(1)' subsite of calpain I.EBI The University of Tennessee
11086714 10 Synthesis and calpain inhibitory activity of alpha-ketoamides with 2,3-methanoleucine stereoisomers at the P2 position.EBI The University of Tennessee Health Science Center