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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
23122937 4 Triazole pyrimidine nucleosides as inhibitors of Ribonuclease A. Synthesis, biochemical, and structural evaluation.EBI University of Thessaly
18226913 8 Exploring the potential of 3'-O-carboxy esters of thymidine as inhibitors of ribonuclease A and angiogenin.EBI Institute of Technology
19713115 3 Inhibition of ribonuclease A by nucleoside-dibasic acid conjugates.EBI Institute of Technology
19173562 15 Morpholino, piperidino, and pyrrolidino derivatives of pyrimidine nucleosides as inhibitors of ribonuclease A: synthesis, biochemical, and crystallographic evaluation.EBI Institute of Technology
18812256 2 Using proton nuclear magnetic resonance to study the mode of ribonuclease A inhibition by competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors.EBI Institute of Technology
27863017 18 Identification and structure-activity relationship of purine derivatives as novel MTH1 inhibitors.BDB Riken Center For Life Science Technologies