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4 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
16248836 154 Cytochrome p450 enzymes mechanism based inhibitors: common sub-structures and reactivity.EBI F. Hoffmann-La Roche
7120277 82 Inhibition of rat hepatic microsomal aminopyrine N-demethylase activity by benzimidazole derivatives. Quantitative structure-activity relationships.EBI TBA
7097715 37 Inhibitors of hepatic mixed-function oxidases. 4. Effects of benzimidazole and related compounds on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity from phenobarbitone and 3-methylcholanthrene induced rats.EBI TBA
20813430 5 Homology modeling and molecular dynamics of CYP1A1 and CYP2B1 to explore the metabolism of aryl derivatives by docking and experimental assays.EBI Instituto PolitéCnico Nacional