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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
16942020 12 Dissecting the determinants of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor selectivity.BDB University of Oxford
12941338 18 Structure-based design of 2-arylamino-4-cyclohexylmethyl-5-nitroso-6-aminopyrimidine inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2.BDB University of Newcastle
10956187 18 Identification of novel purine and pyrimidine cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors with distinct molecular interactions and tumor cell growth inhibition profiles.BDB University of Newcastle
12482427 36 4-Alkoxy-2,6-diaminopyrimidine derivatives: inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinases 1 and 2.BDB University of Newcastle
15239650 90 N2-substituted O6-cyclohexylmethylguanine derivatives: potent inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2.BDB University of Newcastle
12139449 114 Probing the ATP ribose-binding domain of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 with O(6)-substituted guanine derivatives.BDB University of Newcastle