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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
32435423 4 Discovery of Small-Molecule Stabilizers of 14-3-3 Protein-Protein Interactions via Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry.EBI University of Groningen
29980357 1 Inducing protein-protein interactions with molecular glues.EBI Pfizer
28968506 10 Modulators of 14-3-3 Protein-Protein Interactions.EBI Eindhoven University of Technology
29398541 4 Semisynthesis and biological evaluation of a cotylenin A mimic derived from fusicoccin A.EBI Osaka University
29328660 8 X-ray Structures of Target-Ligand Complexes Containing Compounds with Assay Interference Potential.EBI Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit£T
29028171 18 Structure-Based Design of Non-natural Macrocyclic Peptides That Inhibit Protein-Protein Interactions.EBI Chemical Genomics Centre of The Max Planck Society