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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
24350995 46 Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship studies of a potent PACE4 inhibitor.EBI Universit£
23126600 34 The Multi-Leu peptide inhibitor discriminates between PACE4 and furin and exhibits antiproliferative effects on prostate cancer cells.EBI Universit£
20038105 50 Potent inhibitors of furin and furin-like proprotein convertases containing decarboxylated P1 arginine mimetics.EBI Philipps University Marburg
27045975 34 Notch Antagonists: Potential Modulators of Cancer and Inflammatory Diseases.EBI Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (Chuv)
30501188 24 Improving the Selectivity of PACE4 Inhibitors through Modifications of the P1 Residue.EBI TBA
30180568 54 Increasing C-Terminal Hydrophobicity Improves the Cell Permeability and Antiproliferative Activity of PACE4 Inhibitors against Prostate Cancer Cell Lines.EBI Universit£
28287731 150 Positional Scanning Identifies the Molecular Determinants of a High Affinity Multi-Leucine Inhibitor for Furin and PACE4.EBI University of Gdansk