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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
11520216 41 Ellagitannins and hexahydroxydiphenoyl esters as inhibitors of vertebrate squalene epoxidase.EBI University of Shizuoka
11086721 10 Inhibition of vertebrate squalene epoxidase by isoprenyl gallates and phenylalkyl gallates.EBI University of Shizuoka
 4 Purification of pig and rat liver squalene epoxidase by affinity chromatographyEBI TBA
 4 Epoxidation of 6,7- and 10,11-oxidosqualenes by the squalene epoxidase present in rat liver microsomesEBI TBA
9871762 23 Sulfonamide derivatives of benzylamine block cholesterol biosynthesis in HepG2 cells: a new type of potent squalene epoxidase inhibitors.EBI Centre De Recherche Pierre Fabre
8308869 5 Selective protection and relative importance of the carboxylic acid groups of zaragozic acid A for squalene synthase inhibition.EBI Merck Research Laboratories
2769687 23 Squalene analogues containing isopropylidene mimics as potential inhibitors of pig liver squalene epoxidase and oxidosqualene cyclase.EBI State University of New York