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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
28259528 177 Structural insights of SmKDAC8 inhibitors: Targeting Schistosoma epigenetics through a combined structure-based 3D QSAR, in vitro and synthesis strategy.EBI Washington University
26937828 137 Structure-Based Design and Synthesis of Novel Inhibitors Targeting HDAC8 from Schistosoma mansoni for the Treatment of Schistosomiasis.EBI Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
28241112 30 Lysine Deacetylase Inhibitors in Parasites: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives.EBI Dipartimento Di Chimica E Tecnologie Del Farmaco "Sapienza" Universit£
30347148 26 Characterization of Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) Selective Inhibition Reveals Specific Active Site Structural and Functional Determinants.EBI Universit£