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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
22248345 6 Contribution of phosphates and adenine to the potency of adenophostins at the IP3 receptor: synthesis of all possible bisphosphates of adenophostin A.EBI University of Bath
16970399 6 Synthesis of adenophostin A analogues conjugating an aromatic group at the 5'-position as potent IP3 receptor ligands.EBI Hokkaido University
19668195 38 Synthetic partial agonists reveal key steps in IP3 receptor activation.EBI University of Cambridge
16539376 11 A systematic study of C-glucoside trisphosphates as myo-inositol trisphosphate receptor ligands. Synthesis of beta-C-glucoside trisphosphates based on the conformational restriction strategy.EBI Hokkaido University
32286062 24 Both d- and l-Glucose Polyphosphates Mimic d-EBI University of Oxford
32052631 22 d-EBI University of Oxford