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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
22100261 12 Synthesis and biological evaluation of sialic acid derivatives containing a long hydrophobic chain at the anomeric position and their C-5 linked polymers as potent influenza virus inhibitors.EBI Saitama University
20476787 5 Sialic acid-mimic peptides as hemagglutinin inhibitors for anti-influenza therapy.EBI Keio University
32520560 4 Chemoreactive-Inspired Discovery of Influenza A Virus Dual Inhibitor to Block Hemagglutinin-Mediated Adsorption and Membrane Fusion.EBI Ocean University of China
30554131 6 Synthesis, structure activity relationship and in vitro anti-influenza virus activity of novel polyphenol-pentacyclic triterpene conjugates.EBI Peking University