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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
17665896 30 4-Substituted trinems as broad spectrum beta-lactamase inhibitors: structure-based design, synthesis, and biological activity.EBI Lek Pharmaceuticals
17220410 6 Use of novel boronic acid transition state inhibitors to probe substrate affinity in SHV-type extended-spectrum beta-lactamases.EBI Veterans Affairs Medical Center
8809160 132 Design, synthesis, and evaluation of 2 beta-alkenyl penam sulfone acids as inhibitors of beta-lactamases.EBI F. Hoffmann-La Roche
18316524 2 Biochemical characterization of SHV-55, an extended-spectrum class A beta-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae.EBI TBA
18316518 4 The Lys234Arg substitution in the enzyme SHV-72 is a determinant for resistance to clavulanic acid inhibition.EBI National Institute Of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge Av. Padre Cruz
15588091 25 Structure-activity relationship of 6-methylidene penems bearing tricyclic heterocycles as broad-spectrum beta-lactamase inhibitors: crystallographic structures show unexpected binding of 1,4-thiazepine intermediates.EBI Wyeth Research