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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
1895309 27 Substituted 2-(aminomethyl)piperidines: a novel class of selective protein kinase C inhibitors.EBI Nova Pharmaceutical
 1 Conformationally constrained analogues of DAG.7. Interaction of a medium-size ε-lactone with protein kinase C (PK-C)_EBI TBA
 5 Conformationally constrained analogues of dag .8. Changes in PK-C binding affinity produced by isosteric groups of the 3-O-acyl function in 2-deoxy-L-ribonolactonesEBI TBA
 10 Bisindolylmaleimide inhibitors of protein kinase C. Further conformational restriction of a tertiary amine side chain.EBI TBA
24062308 21 Identification of conformationally sensitive residues essential for inhibition of vesicular monoamine transport by the noncompetitive inhibitor tetrabenazine.BDB Hebrew University of Jerusalem