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4 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
27994738 50 Sulfonamides as Selective NaEBI Amgen
26985315 49 Discovery of Aryl Sulfonamides as Isoform-Selective Inhibitors of NaV1.7 with Efficacy in Rodent Pain Models.EBI Xenon Pharmaceuticals
26358159 114 Discovery of (phenoxy-2-hydroxypropyl)piperidines as a novel class of voltage-gated sodium channel 1.7 inhibitors.EBI Daiichi Sankyo
25658507 218 Engineering potent and selective analogues of GpTx-1, a tarantula venom peptide antagonist of the Na(V)1.7 sodium channel.EBI Amgen