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8 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
25084145 9 Development of quinone analogues as dynamin GTPase inhibitors.EBI The University of Newcastle
24900478 4 The Rhodadyns, a New Class of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Dynamin GTPase Activity.EBI TBA
20575553 7 The pthaladyns: GTP competitive inhibitors of dynamin I and II GTPase derived from virtual screening.EBI The University of Newcastle
20621477 3 Synthesis of potent chemical inhibitors of dynamin GTPase.EBI Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
20426422 12 Iminochromene inhibitors of dynamins I and II GTPase activity and endocytosis.EBI The University of Newcastle
19459681 5 Inhibition of dynamin mediated endocytosis by the dynoles--synthesis and functional activity of a family of indoles.EBI The University of Newcastle
16302817 83 Small molecule inhibitors of dynamin I GTPase activity: development of dimeric tyrphostins.EBI The University of Newcastle
15149689 36 Long chain amines and long chain ammonium salts as novel inhibitors of dynamin GTPase activity.EBI The University of Newcastle