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Your request to link to MMDB for Orf1a protein

MMDB Description
41135N1 Neuraminidase
41136N1 Neuraminidase in Complex With Oseltamivir 1
41137N1 Neuraminidase in Complex With Oseltamivir 2
67153Neuraminidase of Abrevig Mission11918 H1n1 Strain in Complex With Zanamivir
67025Neuraminidase of Abrevig Mission11918 H1n1 Strain
64579N1 Neuraminidase H274y + Zanamivir
64580N1 Neuraminidase H274y + Oseltamivir
64581N1 Neuraminidase N294s + Oseltamivir
65890Cyrstal Structure of the Native 1918 H1n1 Neuraminidase From a Crystal With Lattice-translocation Defects
85050The 2009 Pandemic H1n1 Neuraminidase N1 Lacks the 150-cavity in ITS Active Sites