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Your request to link to MMDB for Taq polymerase 1

MMDB Description
48162TAQ Polymerase in Complex With Tp7, an Inhibitory FAB
56530Stoffel Fragment of TAQ DNA Polymerase I
56565DNA Polymerase
51042Ddgtp-trapped Closed Ternary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus
82994Ddatp-trapped Closed Ternary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus
51046Ddttp-trapped Closed Ternary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus
57430Structure of TAQ DNA Polymerase
51471TAQ Polymerase (E.c. Complex
53827Open Ternary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus
54575Crystal Structure of an Active Ternary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus
81884Structure of Klenow Fragment of TAQ Polymerase in Complex WI Abasic Site
81885Structure of the Large Fragment of Thermus Aquaticus DNA POL in Complex With a Blunt-ended DNA and Ddatp
83211Crystal Structure of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus in a Closed Ternary Complex With Trapped 4'- Ethylated Dttp
83212Crystal Structure of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus in a Closed Ternary Complex With Trapped 4'- Methylated Dttp
87357Snapshots of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus Processing C5 Modified Thymidines
87358Snapshot of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From Thermus Aquaticus Processing C5 Modified Thymidies
74860Binary Complex of the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I From T. Aquaticus Bound to a Primertemplate DNA
12244Large Fragment of TAQ DNA Polymerase Bound to Dctp