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Your request to link to UniProt for CRBN-DDB1

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
Q16531DNA damage-binding protein 1A6NG77 B2R648 B4DG00 O15176 Q13289 Q58F96DNA damage-binding protein 101000001
Q16531DNA damage-binding protein 1A6NG77 B2R648 B4DG00 O15176 Q13289 Q58F96Bromodomain-containing protein 4 [49-170]/DNA damage-binding protein 1/Protein cereblon037000001
Q16531DNA damage-binding protein 1A6NG77 B2R648 B4DG00 O15176 Q13289 Q58F96DNA damage-binding protein 1/Protein cereblon01586700006
Q96SW2Protein cereblonB2R6H4 C9IZA9 C9JAH6 Q6AI62 Q6NVZ0 Q9UHW4Protein cereblon2859300009
Q96SW2Protein cereblonB2R6H4 C9IZA9 C9JAH6 Q6AI62 Q6NVZ0 Q9UHW4Bromodomain-containing protein 4 [49-170]/DNA damage-binding protein 1/Protein cereblon037000001
Q96SW2Protein cereblonB2R6H4 C9IZA9 C9JAH6 Q6AI62 Q6NVZ0 Q9UHW4DNA damage-binding protein 1/Protein cereblon01586700006
Q96SW2Protein cereblonB2R6H4 C9IZA9 C9JAH6 Q6AI62 Q6NVZ0 Q9UHW4DNA-binding protein Ikaros/Protein cereblon00010001