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Enzyme: DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1
inhibitor: BDBM43826
substrate: n/a
Solution Type: Aqueous
pH at Preparation: n/a
Temp. Prep.: n/a
Comments: Materials ds DNA was provided by the assay provider. The fluorescence assay was carried out in 384-well black, low-volume plates from Corning (Cat # 3676). Ethidium bromide and buffer salts were from Sigma. Assay Compound was incubated with Ethidium bromide and DNA. Displacement of Ethidium bromide by the compound (if any) was determined by Fluorescence on Envision (Exc: 535 nm; Emm: 595 nm) Dose response protocol 1.Serial dilute single compounds at in DMSO (16 two-fold dilutions from 2.5 mM to 75 nM) 2.Fill 384 well plate with 4 uL of water (nuclease-free) using Multidrop 3.Pin Tool compound into the plates using 384 pin-tool 4. Add 4 ul ds DNA 5. Add 2 ul Ethidium bromide 6.Read fluorescence on Envision reader (Ex: 535 nm; Em: 595 nm) Data analysis IC50 plates contained compounds in columns 3-22, controls (DMSO, no compound) in columns 1,2 and 23,24. Each column 3-22 contained 16 two-fold dilutions of a single compound, ranging in concentration from 85 uM to 2.5 nM. Percent a

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