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Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  Biochemical Selectivity Kinase Assay
Description:  PRKD2 (PKD2) and RPS6KA2 (RSK3) kinase assays were performed with Km-levels of ATP at the Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (Madison, Wis.), using their Invitrogen SelectScreen fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) Z′-LYTE technology, based on the differential sensitivity of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated peptides to proteolytic cleavage. Human recombinant full-length GST-tagged PRKD2 (PKD2) and RPS6KA2 (RSK3) were produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (Madison, Wis.). The kinase assays were conducted in 10-μL reactions. PRKD2 (PKD2) reactions contained 0.64-5.84 ng enzyme, 25 μM ATP ( Km), 2 μM of Ser/Thr 17 (Z′-LYTE peptide substrate), 10 mM MgCl2, 0.01% BRIJ-35, 1 mM EGTA in 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.5. RPS6KA2 (RSK3) reactions were conducted similarly, and contained 0.5-9 ng enzyme, or 10 μM ATP ( Km) and 2 μM Ser/Thr 06 peptide. After the 1-hour kinase reaction incubation, 5 μL of a 1:256 and 1:4096 dilution of Z′-LYTE Development Reagent A was added to the PRKD2 (PKD2) and RPS6KA2 (RSK3) reactions, respectively. The extent of kinase reactions, resulting in a change of FRET signal of the peptide substrate, was measured, and inhibition for each kinase was measured with respect to DMSO control and reported as an average of duplicate measurements.
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