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Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  SHP2 Biochemical Assay
Description:  The inhibition of SHP2 by compounds of the invention was monitored using the surrogate substrate DiFMUP after protein activation by a peptide bearing two appropriately spaced phosphotyrosine. Full length SHP2 protein (Recombinant HumanSHP-2,E. coli derived Ser2Arg593, N-terminal 6His tag from R&D systems; 0.0.24 nM) was incubated with activating peptide, IRSI_2pY (New England Peptide, 140 nM) and DiFMUP (molecular probes, 80 uM) at RT in buffer (HEPES pH 7.2 60 mM, DDT 5 mM, KCl 75 mM, NaCl 75 mM, EDTA 1 mM, Tween 20 0.05%) in presence of compound (10 concentrations range, top concentration 50 μM) for 60 min. The generation of the DiFMU product by activated SHP2 was monitored through Fluorescence measurement with a PerkinElmer Envision reader. The inhibitor dose response curves were analyzed with Genedata Screener.
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