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Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  Prostanoid EP Receptor Binding Assay
Description:  Competitive binding studies were conducted using radiolabeled ligands and membrane fractions prepared from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing the prostanoid receptors. Membranes were incubated with radiolabeled ligand and test compounds at various concentrations in assay buffer at 25 deg C. Incubation was terminated by filtration through a Whatman GF/B filter. The filter was subsequently washed with ice-cold buffer, and the radioactivity on the filter was measured in liquid scintillation (ACSII) mixture with a liquid scintillation counter. Nonspecific binding was achieved by adding excess amounts of unlabeled PGE2 in assay buffer. The half maximal inhibitory concentration of specific binding (IC50 value) was estimated from the regression curve. The Ki value was calculated according to the Cheng-Prusoff approximation.
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