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Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  High-throughput multiplex microsphere dose response for inhibitors of toxin protease, specifically Botulinum neurotoxin light chain A protease, compounds from Powder Set 01
Description:  University of New Mexico Assay Overview: Assay Support: 1 R03 MH093184-01A1 Project Title: High-throughput multiplex microsphere screening for toxin protease inhibitors Assay Provider: Steven Graves Ph.D. Screening Center/PI: UNMCMD/ Larry Sklar Ph.D. Lead Biologist: Bruce Edwards Ph.D., Screening Operations Team: Jingshu Zhu, Mark Carter MS, Kristine Gouveia MS, Matthew Garcia Chemistry Center PI: Craig W. Lindsley Chemistry Lead: Kyle Emmitte Specialized Chemistry Center: Vanderbilt Specialized Chemistry Center For Accelerated Probe Development Proteases regulate many biological pathways that include: coagulation, immune system activation, metastasis, and viral life cycles. Within the larger set of proteases, pharmaceutical development for the proteases of the two-part bacterial toxins of Clostridium botulinum and Bacillus anthracis is of great interest due to their role in natural disease and biothreat scenarios (1-4). Botulinum Neurotoxin A Light Chain (BoNTALC) is also
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