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Your request to link to MMDB for 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3

MMDB Description
12754The 1.8 a Crystal Structure and Active Site Architecture of Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl Carrier Protein] Synthase III (Fabh) From Escherichia Coli
14989Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase III
14990Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase Iii-coa Complex
14991Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase III + Degraded Form of Acetyl-coa
14992Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase III + Malonyl-coa
14993Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase Iii, APO Tetragonal Form
21261Crystal Structure of Beta-ketoacyl-acp Synthase III With Bound Dichlorobenzyloxy-indole-carboxylic Acid Inhibitor
46113Methanethiol-cys 112 Inhibition Complex of E. Coli Ketoacyl Synthase III (Fabh) and Coenzyme a (High Concentration (1.7mm) Soak)
46153Methanethiol-cys 112 Inhibition Complex of E. Coli Ketoacyl Synthase III (Fabh) and Coenzyme a
76323Structure of E. Coli Fabh