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Your request to link to MMDB for Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase

MMDB Description
14265Crystal Structure of Xanthine Oxidase From Bovine Milk
14780Crystal Structure of Xanthine Dehydrogenase Isolated From Bovine Milk
22363Xanthine Dehydrogenase From Bovine Milk With Inhibitor Tei- 6720 Bound
28428Crystal Structure of Bovine Milk Xanthine Dehydrogenase Fyx- 051 Bound Form
30983Bovine Milk Xanthine Dehydrogenase Y-700 Bound Form
33152Crystal Structure of a RAT Xanthine Dehydrogenase Triple Mutant (C535a, C992r and C1324s)
46014Human Milk Xanthine Oxidoreductase
58680Crystal Structure of Human Xanthine Oxidoreductase Mutant, Glu803val
58689Crystal Structure of RAT Xanthine Oxidoreductase Mutant (W335a and F336l)
85882Complex of Bovine Xanthine Dehydrogenase and Trihydroxy Fyx-051
86572Bovine Xanthine Oxidoreductase Urate Bound Form
86573Crystal Structure of RAT D428a Mutant, Urate Bound Form
61101Structure of Xanthine Oxidase With 2-hydroxy-6-methylpurine
68103Crystal Structure of Bovine Milk Xanthine Dehydrogenase With a Covalently Bound Oxipurinol Inhibitor
69312Crystal Structure of Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Lumazine
69313Crystal Structure of Desulfo-xanthine Oxidase With Xanthine
83400Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Hypoxanthine
83401Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With 6- Mercaptopurine
88059Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Arsenite
88060Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Guanine
88061Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Quercetin
88062Crystal Structure of Bovine Xanthine Oxidase in Complex With Indole-3- Aldehyde