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Your request to link to MMDB for Bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase

MMDB Description
26713Crystal Structure of Dhfr-ts From Cryptosporidium Hominis
27821Crystal Structure of Dihydrofolate Reductase-thymidylate Synthase From Cryptosporidium Hominis Bound to 1843u89nadphdump
47454Crystal Structure of the S290g Active Site Mutant of TS- Dhfr From Cryptosporidium Hominis
66192Crystal Structure of the A287f Active Site Mutant of TS- Dhfr From Cryptosporidium Hominis
66193Crystal Structure of the A287fs290g Active Site Mutant of Ts-dhfr From Cryptosporidium Hominis
82434Crystal Structure of the Chts-dhfr F207a Non-active Site MUT