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Your request to link to MMDB for Steroidogenic factor 1

MMDB Description
32520Mouse Sf-1 LBD
33428Human Steroidogenic Factor 1 LBD With Bound Co-factor Peptide
32936Structure of the Steroidogenic Factor-1 Ligand Binding Domain Bound to Phospholipid and a SHP Peptide Motif
33261The Crystal Structure of Human Steroidogenic Factor-1
86738Human Liver Receptor Homologue DNA-binding Domain (Hlrh-1 Dbd) in Complex With Dsdna From the Hcyp7a1 Promoter
53158Solution Structure of Steroidogenic Factor 1 DNA Binding Domain Bound to ITS Target Sequence in the Inhibin Alpha- Subunit Promoter
68447Sf-1 LBD Bound by Phosphatidylcholine