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Your request to link to MMDB for Capsid scaffolding protein

MMDB Description
48401Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
16413Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Site Mutant (H157q) of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
16414Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Site Mutant (H157a) of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
16415Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Site Mutant (H157e) of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
16416Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Site Mutant S134a of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
16417Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Site Mutant S134ah157a of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
17411Human Cytomegalovirus Protease Dimer-interface Mutant, S225y
17412Hcmv Protease Dimer-interface Mutant, S225y Complexed to Inhibitor Bilc 408
56697Crystal Structure of Cytomegalovirus Protease
50475Complex Structure of Hcmv Protease and a Peptidomimetic Inhibitor
22144Complex Structure of Hcmv Protease and a Peptidomimetic Inhibitor
50493Complex Structure of Hcmv Protease and a Peptidomimetic Inhibitor
22146Complex Structure of Hcmv Protease and a Peptidomimetic Inhibitor
6673Hydrolytic Enzyme Human Cytomegalovirus Protease
54421Hcmv Protease Inhibitor Complex