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Your request to link to MMDB for Proliferating cell nuclear antigen

MMDB Description
7100Human Pcna
30936Crystal Structure of Hpcna Bound to Residues 452-466 of the DNA Polymerase-delta-p66 Subunit
30937Crystal Structure of Hpcna Bound to Residues 331-350 of the Flap Endonuclease-1 (Fen1)
31836Crystal Structure of the Human Fen1-pcna Complex
31338Structural and Biochemical Studies of Human Pcna Complexes Provide the Basis for Association With Cdkcyclin and Rationale for Inhibitor Design
31339Native Human Pcna
31365Native Human Pcna
69520Crystal Structure of Pcna in Complex With DNA Polymerase ETA Fragment
69521Crystal Structure of Pcna in Complex With DNA Polymerase Kappa Fragment
69522Crystal Structure of Pcna in Complex With DNA Polymerase Iota Fragment
88369Structure of Human Pcna Bound to Rnaseh2b PIP BOX Peptide