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MMDB Description
733Three-dimensional Structure of an Anti-steroid Fab' and Progesterone-fab' Complex
8232Hormone-bound Human Progesterone Receptor Ligand-binding Domain
28824Crystal Structure of Human Cytochrome P450 3A4
33238Crystal Structure of the Human Mineralocorticoid Receptor Ligand-binding Domain Bound to Progesterone and Harboring the S810l Mutation Responsible for a Severe Form of Hypertension
34428Mineralocorticoid Receptor With Bound Progesterone
34429Mineralocorticoid Receptor S810l Mutant With Bound Progesterone
35596Structure of Reduced Petn Reductase in Complex With Progesterone
53437Crystal Structure of Human Apolipoprotein D (Apod) in Complex With Progesterone
61329Crystal Structure of the 1E9 Leuh47trpargh100trp FAB Progesterone Complex