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Your request to link to MMDB for Calpain small subunit 1

MMDB Description
7744Calpain Domain VI APO
8085Calcium Bound Domain VI of Porcine Calpain
8074Inhibitor and Calcium Bound Domain VI of Porcine Calpain
13622Crystal Structure of M-calpain
7678Calpain Domain VI With Calcium Bound
18112Crystal Structure of Human M-calpain Form II
18111Crystal Structure of Human M-calpain Form I
2525218-k C-terminally Trunucated Small Subunit of Calpain
24081Structure of Calpain Domain 6 in Complex With Calpastatin DIC
24082Calpain Domain VI Complexed With Calpastatin Inhibitory Domain C (Dic)
24083Calpain Domain VI
24084Calpain Domain VI in Complex With the Inhibitor Pd150606
31286Crystal Structure Analysis of RAT M-calpain Mutant Lys10 THR
68107Structure of M-calpain in Complex With Calpastatin
67889Calcium-dependent Complex Between M-calpain and Calpastatin