Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  SAR Analysis of Agonists of the MOR Receptor using an Image-Based Assay - Set 3
Description:  Data Source: Sanford-Burnham Center for Chemical Genomics (SBCCG) Source Affiliation: Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (SBMRI, San Diego, CA) Network: NIH Molecular Libraries Production Centers Network(MLPCN) Grant Number: 1X01DA026208-01 Assay Provider: Dr. Lawrance Barak, Duke University, Durham NC Drug addiction is a disease that involves the G-protein coupled receptors in the central nervous system resulting in compulsive or abnormal behavior. Recent studies have shown that opioid receptors play a role in regulating other receptors that interact with drug and other substance abuse. The opioid receptors are composed of multiple of multiple receptor subtypes whose contribution the addictive behaviors are not fully delineated. The aim of this assay is to identify small molecule agonists of the human mu opioid receptor (MOR). This dose response assay is developed and performed to confirm hits originally identified in "uHTS identification of small molecule agonists of th
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