Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  TR-FRET (time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer) assay
Description:  In general, the assay is based on the interaction between N-terminally Six-Histidine-tagged-RORC2 ligand binding domain (6-His-RORC2 LBD), expressed in E. coli and purified by affinity chromatography, and biotin-coactivator peptide SRC1-2 (biotin-aminohexanoic acid-CPSSHSSLTERHKILHRLLQEGSPS-NH2; SEQ ID NO: 1) containing the LXXLL consensus domain which is responsible for receptor binding. This interaction is detected by addition of Europium labeled-anti-His antibody (Ex. 337 nm, Em. 620 nm, which binds to 6His) and Streptavidin-APC (Ex. 620 nm, Em. 665 nm, which binds to biotin). When receptor and coactivator are bound to each other, upon shining light at 337 nm on the sample, the Europium emits fluorescence that excites APC due to close proximity (FRET) and this signal is measured at 665 nm. Due to the long lasting fluorescence emission of Europium, the non-specific, short-lived fluorescence is time-resolved (TR) from the fluorescence of interest. Inhibitors of the interaction of receptor and coactivator peptide are detected by a decrease in TR-FRET signal.
Affinity data for this assay

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