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8 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
 19 New simplified inhibitors of EPSP synthase: The importance of ring size for recognition at the shikimate 3-phosphate siteEBI TBA
 20 EPSP synthase inhibitor design IV. New aromatic substrate analogs and symmetrical inhibitors containing novel 3-phosphate mimics.EBI TBA
 7 Design & synthesis of a novel EPSP synthase inhibitor based on its ternary complex with shikimate-3-phosphate and glyphosateEBI TBA
 16 EPSP synthase inhibitor design II. The importance of the 3-phosphate group for ligand binding at the shikimate-3-phosphate site & the identification of 3-malonate ethers as novel 3-phosphate mimics.EBI TBA
 18 Synthesis & characterization of N-amino-glyphosate as a potent analog inhibitor of E. coli EPSP synthase.EBI TBA
 8 EPSP synthase inhibitor deisgn III. Synthesis & evaluation of a new 5-oxamic acid analog of EPSP which incorporates a malonate ether as a 3-phosphate mimicEBI TBA
12565943 43 A series of 2(Z)-2-benzylidene-6,7-dihydroxybenzofuran-3[2H]-ones as inhibitors of chorismate synthase.EBI Pantherix