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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
24941437 11 Easily accessible polycyclic amines that inhibit the wild-type and amantadine-resistant mutants of the M2 channel of influenza A virus.EBI Universitat De Barcelona
28107633 1 Binding and Proton Blockage by Amantadine Variants of the Influenza M2EBI National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
26771709 3 Discovery of Highly Potent Inhibitors Targeting the Predominant Drug-Resistant S31N Mutant of the Influenza A Virus M2 Proton Channel.EBI The University of Arizona
30292897 28 Synthesis and structure-activity relationship study of arylsulfonamides as novel potent H5N1 inhibitors.EBI Wuhan University
29541360 25 Unraveling the Binding, Proton Blockage, and Inhibition of Influenza M2 WT and S31N by Rimantadine Variants.EBI National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
29039662 62 Quest for Novel Chemical Entities through Incorporation of Silicon in Drug Scaffolds.EBI Csir-National Chemical Laboratory
28418242 5 Slow but Steady Wins the Race: Dissimilarities among New Dual Inhibitors of the Wild-Type and the V27A Mutant M2 Channels of Influenza A Virus.EBI Universitat De Barcelona