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7 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
22475558 82 Discovery of an orally-bioavailable CC Chemokine Receptor 2 antagonist derived from an acyclic diaminoalcohol backbone.EBI Bristol-Myers Squibb
16198561 99 Novel CCR1 antagonists with oral activity in the mouse collagen induced arthritis.EBI Novartis Institutes For Biomedical Research
21295478 81 Discovery of INCB10820/PF-4178903, a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable dual CCR2 and CCR5 antagonist.EBI Incyte
21036044 43 Discovery of INCB3344, a potent, selective and orally bioavailable antagonist of human and murine CCR2.EBI Incyte
17389363 2 Naloxone acts as a potent analgesic in transgenic mouse models of sickle cell anemia.EBI University of Minnesota
12086500 59 Synthesis, SAR, and biological evaluation of oximino-piperidino-piperidine amides. 1. Orally bioavailable CCR5 receptor antagonists with potent anti-HIV activity.EBI Schering-Plough Research Institute
29425816 6 Recent updates for designing CCR5 antagonists as anti-retroviral agents.EBI Nirma University