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4 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
3968682 20 Enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase: phenylallylamine structure-activity relationships.EBI TBA
6864731 38 Synthesis and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activities of alpha-allenic amines in vivo and in vitro. Different activities of two enantiomeric allenes.EBI TBA
1433183 32 Aliphatic propargylamines: potent, selective, irreversible monoamine oxidase B inhibitors.EBI University of Saskatchewan
3735309 50 Selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors. 3. Cyclic compounds related to 4-aminophenethylamine. Preparation and neuron-selective action of some 5-(2-aminoethyl)-2,3-dihydroindoles.EBI TBA