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9 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
25101488 50 Discovery of the CCR1 antagonist, BMS-817399, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.EBI Bristol-Myers Squibb
23374868 76 1-(4-Phenylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethanones as novel CCR1 antagonists.EBI Chemocentryx
23075267 85 Discovery and lead optimization of a novel series of CC chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1)-selective piperidine antagonists via parallel synthesis.EBI Bristol-Myers Squibb
22931505 69 Chemokine receptor antagonists.EBI National Heart and Lung Institute
16198561 99 Novel CCR1 antagonists with oral activity in the mouse collagen induced arthritis.EBI Novartis Institutes For Biomedical Research
21036044 43 Discovery of INCB3344, a potent, selective and orally bioavailable antagonist of human and murine CCR2.EBI Incyte
17446072 68 Structure-activity relationships of novel, highly potent, selective, and orally active CCR1 antagonists.EBI Tanabe Research Laboratories
11311066 76 Design, synthesis, and discovery of a novel CCR1 antagonist.EBI Banyu Tsukuba Research Institute In Collaboration With Merck Research Laboratories
30595446 63 Identification of novel azaindazole CCR1 antagonist clinical candidates.EBI Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals