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60 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
27155470 4 Discovery of a sulfamate-based steroid sulfatase inhibitor with intrinsic selective estrogen receptor modulator properties.EBI Chu De Qu£Bec - Research Center (Chul, T4)
27155469 8 Recent developments of C-4 substituted coumarin derivatives as anticancer agents.EBI Central University of Punjab
26974384 94 Sulfatase inhibitors for recidivist breast cancer treatment: A chemical review.EBI Punjabi University
27143133 2 Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of new arylamide derivatives possessing sulfonate or sulfamate moieties as steroid sulfatase enzyme inhibitors.EBI University of Sharjah
26301554 49 Recent developments in steroidal and nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors for the chemoprevention of estrogen-dependent breast cancer.EBI American University of Ras Al Khaimah
25992880 90 Discovery and Development of the Aryl O-Sulfamate Pharmacophore for Oncology and Women's Health.EBI University of Bath
26163883 16 Synthesis of bicoumarin thiophosphate derivatives as steroid sulfatase inhibitors.EBI Gdansk University of Technology
26211459 16 A-ring substituted 17ß-arylsulfonamides of 17ß-aminoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-ol as highly potent reversible inhibitors of steroid sulfatase.EBI University of Waterloo
24630694 11 Design and synthesis of silicon-containing steroid sulfatase inhibitors possessing pro-estrogen antagonistic character.EBI The University of Tokyo
24463645 1 Synthesis, structure-activity relationship of iodinated-4-aryloxymethyl-coumarins as potential anti-cancer and anti-mycobacterial agents.EBI P.C. Jabin Science College
21570853 5 Evaluation of sulfatase-directed quinone methide traps for proteomics.EBI Bielefeld University
22455789 32 Synthesis and evaluation of analogues of estrone-3-O-sulfamate as potent steroid sulfatase inhibitors.EBI University of Bath
20148564 60 Highly potent first examples of dual aromatase-steroid sulfatase inhibitors based on a biphenyl template.EBI University of Bath
18260615 8 Structure-activity relationships of C-17 cyano-substituted estratrienes as anticancer agents.EBI University of Bath
15293998 25 2-(1-adamantyl)-4-(thio)chromenone-6-carboxylic acids: potent reversible inhibitors of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Institute For Biomedical Research Vienna
15341968 13 Estrone formate: a novel type of irreversible inhibitor of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Institutes For Biomedical Research Gdc
14584960 11 Estrogenic potential of 2-alkyl-4-(thio)chromenone 6-O-sulfamates: potent inhibitors of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Research Institute Vienna
12213072 29 2-Substituted 4-(thio)chromenone 6-O-sulfamates: potent inhibitors of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Research Institute Vienna
11087571 35 Structure-activity relationships of 17alpha-derivatives of estradiol as inhibitors of steroid sulfatase.EBI Laval University
10447965 2 Synthesis and biological activity of the superestrogen (E)-17-oximino-3-O-sulfamoyl-1,3,5(10)-estratriene: x-ray crystal structure of (E)-17-oximino-3-hydroxy-1,3,5(10)-estratriene.EBI University of Bath
10377235 10 Potent inhibition of steroid sulfatase activity by 3-O-sulfamate 17alpha-benzyl(or 4'-tert-butylbenzyl)estra-1,3,5(10)-trienes: combination of two substituents at positions C3 and c17alpha of estradiol.EBI Laval University
8691463 3 Active site directed inhibition of estrone sulfatase by nonsteroidal coumarin sulfamates.EBI University of Bath
8295207 2 Estrone sulfamates: potent inhibitors of estrone sulfatase with therapeutic potential.EBI University of Bath
14741252 17 Inhibition of estrone sulfatase (ES) by alkyl and cycloalkyl ester derivatives of 4-[(aminosulfonyl)oxy] benzoic acid.EBI Kingston University
15149660 2 2-Alkylsulfanyl estrogen derivatives: synthesis of a novel class of multi-targeted anti-tumour agents.EBI University of Bath
14684318 8 The difluoromethylene group as a replacement for the labile oxygen in steroid sulfates: a new approach to steroid sulfatase inhibitors.EBI University of Waterloo
14643316 11 6-(2-adamantan-2-ylidene-hydroxybenzoxazole)-O-sulfamate: a potent non-steroidal irreversible inhibitor of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Forschungsinstitut
11965370 18 The mechanism of the irreversible inhibition of estrone sulfatase (ES) through the consideration of a range of methane- and amino-sulfonate-based compounds.EBI Kingston University
12161140 12 Inhibition of estrone sulfatase (ES) by derivatives of 4-[(aminosulfonyl)oxy] benzoic acid.EBI Kingston University
12127511 13 4,4'-Benzophenone-O,O'-disulfamate: a potent inhibitor of steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Research Institute Vienna
11992773 10 Design, synthesis and biochemical evaluation of AC ring mimics as novel inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES).EBI Kingston University
11992772 34 A novel type of nonsteroidal estrone sulfatase inhibitors.EBI Hans-Kn�Ll Institute of Natural Products Research
11294387 15 Acid dissociation constant, a potential physicochemical factor in the inhibition of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES).EBI Kingston University
11277533 13 Novel inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES).EBI Kingston University
11714597 5 Determination and use of a transition state for the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES) from a proposed reaction mechanism.EBI Kingston University
11549461 13 Hydrophobicity, a physicochemical factor in the inhibition of the enzyme estrone sulfatase (ES).EBI Kingston University
10397493 4 Derivation of a possible transition-state for the reaction catalysed by the enzyme estrone Sulfatase (ES).EBI Kingston University
9873454 15 17 alpha-alkyl- or 17 alpha-substituted benzyl-17 beta-estradiols: a new family of estrone-sulfatase inhibitors.EBI Laval University
 4 Phosphonates and thiophosphonates as sulfate surrogates: synthesis of estrone 3-methylthiophosphonate, a potent inhibitor of estrone sulfataseEBI TBA
22264754 36 17ß-Arylsulfonamides of 17ß-aminoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-ol as highly potent inhibitors of steroid sulfatase.EBI University of Waterloo
21925885 23 Inhibition of steroid sulfatase with 4-substituted estrone and estradiol derivatives.EBI University of Waterloo
24900302 27 Hybrid Dual Aromatase-Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors with Exquisite Picomolar Inhibitory ActivityEBI TBA
17696419 2 3,17-disubstituted 2-alkylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-ol derivatives: synthesis, in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity.EBI University of Bath
17580843 38 Thiosemicarbazones of formyl benzoic acids as novel potent inhibitors of estrone sulfatase.EBI Institute For Natural Products Research and Infection Biology
17181151 10 2-substituted estradiol bis-sulfamates, multitargeted antitumor agents: synthesis, in vitro SAR, protein crystallography, and in vivo activity.EBI University of Bath
16078843 7 A-ring-substituted estrogen-3-O-sulfamates: potent multitargeted anticancer agents.EBI University of Bath
15686949 33 N-Acyl arylsulfonamides as novel, reversible inhibitors of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Institutes For Biomedical Research
14552755 28 Nortropinyl-arylsulfonylureas as novel, reversible inhibitors of human steroid sulfatase.EBI Novartis Research Institute Vienna
32122754 8 Design and synthesis of dansyl-labeled inhibitors of steroid sulfatase for optical imaging.EBI Chu De Qu£Bec - Research Center
32173116 8 A new series of aryl sulfamate derivatives: Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation.EBI University of Sharjah
31422224 11 Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of piperazinyl-ureido sulfamates as steroid sulfatase inhibitors.EBI University of Cagliari
31255926 46 Sulfamates in drug design and discovery: Pre-clinical and clinical investigations.EBI University of Sharjah
31129450 72 Estrogen signaling: An emanating therapeutic target for breast cancer treatment.EBI Indian Institute of Technology (Bhu)
29400967 136 Fluorine and Fluorinated Motifs in the Design and Application of Bioisosteres for Drug Design.EBI Bristol-Myers Squibb
28152429 17 Synthesis and biological evaluation of fluorinated N-benzoyl and N-phenylacetoyl derivatives of 3-(4-aminophenyl)-coumarin-7-O-sulfamate as steroid sulfatase inhibitors.EBI Gdansk University of Technology
28406629 51 First Dual Inhibitors of Steroid Sulfatase (STS) and 17?-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (17?-HSD1): Designed Multiple Ligands as Novel Potential Therapeutics for Estrogen-Dependent Diseases.EBI Saarland University
18096504 19 URB602 inhibits monoacylglycerol lipase and selectively blocks 2-arachidonoylglycerol degradation in intact brain slices.BDB University of California Irvine
18022559 4 Inverse in silico screening for identification of kinase inhibitor targets.BDB University of Munich
14703393 52 Thermodynamics of the molecular and chiral recognition of cycloalkanols and camphor by modified beta-cyclodextrins possessing simple aromatic tethers.BDB Nankai University
18318466 41 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase is the anticancer target for a novel series of potent naphthoquinone-based inhibitors.BDB Bryn Mawr College