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12 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
28657314 20 Discovery of a Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Interleukin 15: Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening and Hit Optimization.EBI University of Nantes
24974349 20 Prediction of anti-tumor chemical probes of a traditional Chinese medicine formula by HPLC fingerprinting combined with molecular docking.EBI The Second People'S Hospital of Fujian Provinc
18075579 9 Reaching for high-hanging fruit in drug discovery at protein-protein interfaces.EBI University of California San Francisco
26914744 24 Chemical Space of DNA-Encoded Libraries.EBI University of Utah
22299576 44 Metronidazole-coumarin conjugates and 3-cyano-7-hydroxy-coumarin act as isoform-selective carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.BDB Ecole Nationale Superieure De Chimie De Montpellier
7520908 64 Risperidone: a novel antipsychotic with balanced serotonin-dopamine antagonism, receptor occupancy profile, and pharmacologic activity.BDB Janssen Research Foundation
8544171 5 Structure-based design of sulfonamide-substituted non-peptidic HIV protease inhibitors.BDB Upjohn