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11 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDDataArticle TitleOrganization
22748707 8 Synthesis and biological evaluation of new N-acyl-homoserine-lactone analogues, based on triazole and tetrazole scaffolds, acting as LuxR-dependent quorum sensing modulators.EBI Insa Lyon
22748377 1 Synthesis and evaluation of the quorum sensing inhibitory effect of substituted triazolyldihydrofuranones.EBI Ghent University
21798746 17 Thiolactone modulators of quorum sensing revealed through library design and screening.EBI University of Wisconsin-Madison
20615699 6 LuxR-dependent quorum sensing: computer aided discovery of new inhibitors structurally unrelated to N-acylhomoserine lactones.EBI Insa
18294853 11 Synthetic homoserine lactone-derived sulfonylureas as inhibitors of Vibrio fischeri quorum sensing regulator.EBI Insa Lyon
21974956 11 AHL-dependent quorum sensing inhibition: synthesis and biological evaluation ofa-(N-alkyl-carboxamide)-¿-butyrolactones anda-(N-alkyl-sulfonamide)-¿-butyrolactones.EBI Insa Lyon
20669927 41 Medicinal chemistry as a conduit for the modulation of quorum sensing.EBI The Scripps Research Institute
21782453 26 LuxR dependent quorum sensing inhibition by N,N'-disubstituted imidazolium salts.EBI Insa Lyon
18625553 5 N-Acyl-3-amino-5H-furanone derivatives as new inhibitors of LuxR-dependent quorum sensing: Synthesis, biological evaluation and binding mode study.EBI Insa
31918952 65 Impact of the structure-activity relationship of AHL analogues on quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria.EBI Larkin University