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Your request to link to UniProt for Melatonin receptor type 1A/1B/1C

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
P51050Melatonin receptor type 1BMelatonin receptor type 1B340000004
P51050Melatonin receptor type 1BMelatonin receptor type 1A/1B/1C250000002
P49285Melatonin receptor type 1AMelatonin receptor type 1A/1B/1C250000002
P49288Melatonin receptor type 1CMelatonin receptor type 1C315001300010
P49288Melatonin receptor type 1CMelatonin receptor type 1A/1B/1C250000002